1.   A large proportion of meat and poultry food products move in interstate commerce.

2.   Congress May forbid discrimination in public accommodations that are related to interstate commerce.

3.   Louis, Missouri, introduced a resolution which requested a committee investigation based on the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

4.   One of the roles of the federal government is to regulate interstate commerce.

5.   That clause limits the domestic lawmaking power of Congress to issues involving interstate commerce.

6.   A government agency in charge of regulating interstate commerce.

7.   Although sales taxes are levied by state and local governments, Congress is involved because the federal government oversees interstate commerce.

8.   An Ohio woman had sued, claiming that the tax rules violated a constitutional prohibition on state laws that discriminate against interstate commerce.

9.   An industrywide solution would be expensive, dramatically changing interstate commerce and possibly causing an untold number of companies to shut down, he said.

10.   And because interstate commerce is involved, only the federal government can supply this intervention.

a. + commerce >>共 228
electronic 47.00%
interstate 12.22%
international 4.86%
global 3.31%
online 2.63%
on-line 1.28%
new 0.95%
digital 0.88%
modern 0.88%
local 0.74%
interstate + n. >>共 181
highway 22.91%
commerce 21.27%
transportation 4.11%
banking 3.17%
pipeline 3.06%
compact 1.76%
travel 1.65%
violence 1.29%
transport 1.18%
system 1.18%
每页显示:    共 180