1.   All weekend, the police have heard protesters rail against such global issues as Third World debt, international capitalism and the pillaging of rain forests by the rich.

2.   The Soviet Union quarantined itself and many of its often unwitting captives and clients from the rigors of international capitalism.

3.   The Soviet Union quarantined itself and many often-unwitting captives and clients from the rigors of international capitalism.

4.   We stand accused of wearing Gap clothing, whose attractive pricing structure was made possible by the depredations of international capitalism.

5.   While some activists just want to tweak the booming system of corporate-friendly international capitalism, others want to destroy it.

6.   Like thousands of others protesting the meetings of global finance groups here Sunday and today, they worry that international capitalism is overshadowing people.

7.   Casto returned unexpectedly to Havana late Thursday after delivering a scathing attack on international capitalism.

8.   Casto returned unexpectedly to Havana on Thursday after delivering a scathing attack on international capitalism.

a. + capitalism >>共 171
global 13.64%
american 9.09%
western 3.64%
russian 3.41%
advanced 2.73%
modern 2.27%
compassionate 2.05%
liberal 2.05%
unbridled 2.05%
international 1.82%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
capitalism 0.01%
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