1.   Abuse of civilians has been morally contemptible from the beginning of history and technically illegal as the result of international accords like the Geneva Conventions.

2.   EGYPT Although the Egyptian parliament has ratified international accords guaranteeing freedom of religion, converts from Islam to Christianity suffer arrest, torture and social ostracism.

3.   Even with many unresolved points and questionable chances for implementation, the treaty represents an unprecedented level of international accord on an extremely complex and contentious issue.

4.   Government officials strongly disagree and insist that the work complies with the international accord.

5.   Most important, he said, the administration made considerable progress on international accords to keep Internet commerce duty free.

6.   Of course, it is Congress that complains of just the same thing when the World Trade Organization rules that U.S. gasoline standards or other rules violate international accords.

7.   Only then did it formally renounce the use of nuclear arms against states that signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty or any other international accord not to acquire nuclear arms.

8.   Qian on Tuesday insisted, as he has consistently done in the past, that China had not violated the international accord in the first place.

9.   Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that it would sign an international accord adopted nearly two years ago that calls for choking off the money used by international terrorist organizations.

10.   Short of dramatic, ideally democratic changes in former Yugoslavia, no international accord can guarantee that Kosovar Albanians will abandon their claim to independence in the foreseeable future.

a. + accord >>共 413
new 7.52%
bilateral 4.97%
military 4.47%
final 4.26%
nuclear 3.51%
similar 3.09%
international 2.80%
interim 2.76%
such 2.30%
tentative 2.21%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
accord 0.10%
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