1.   It will be an interesting matchup.

2.   Johnson faces an interesting matchup Sunday against the Falcons in the Georgia Dome.

3.   NOTES -- A look at interesting matchups and five games to watch.

4.   Should make for an interesting matchup.

5.   That will be an interesting matchup, Moss against Aeneas Williams.

6.   The first quarter of this game will be a very interesting matchup.

7.   The most interesting matchup may be between All-Star-caliber point guards Rod Strickland and Kevin Johnson.

8.   While Carroll and Toledo try to outsmart each other, there will be another interesting matchup on the sideline.

9.   Williams and Rodman would have made an interesting matchup.

10.   The early rounds had some interesting matchups.

a. + matchup >>共 295
head-to-head 5.22%
intriguing 3.97%
pitching 3.66%
quarterfinal 3.66%
individual 2.40%
good 2.19%
first 2.09%
semifinal 2.09%
key 1.99%
possible 1.99%
interesting 1.36%
interesting + n. >>共 1038
thing 4.24%
question 3.35%
story 2.11%
people 1.81%
feature 1.61%
character 1.42%
way 1.40%
part 1.38%
aspect 1.26%
fact 1.19%
matchup 0.30%
每页显示:    共 13