1.   There are quite a number of interested buyers, but our first job is to sift out the ones that are really serious.

2.   Demand is high and dealers in the United States regularly receive inquiries from interested buyers all over the world.

3.   Also, there are more interested buyers in the market.

4.   And although there are many allegedly interested buyers, smart money says NBC spends whatever is necessary not to lose its San Francisco jewel.

5.   Brett Pickett has said several people have expressed interest in buying the team and the franchise has started doing background checks on at least four interested buyers.

6.   But as the auction for the Lexington, Mass. publisher grew intense last week, interested buyers bid up the price, sources said.

7.   Each patent listing is followed by a form allowing interested buyers to submit a bid.

8.   First, they found houses they liked by posing as interested HUD home buyers and asking unsuspecting real estate agents to show them around.

9.   Hard-tire safeties are among the rarest bicycles manufactured in America and they always draw interested buyers at the auction.

10.   He said that he had already been approached by interested buyers.

a. + buyer >>共 607
potential 18.02%
home 7.28%
prospective 6.88%
foreign 4.74%
possible 2.99%
new 2.36%
overseas 2.20%
would-be 1.84%
biggest 1.67%
big 1.63%
interested 0.93%
interested + n. >>共 183
party 35.61%
buyer 4.92%
company 3.96%
country 3.10%
team 3.10%
investor 2.78%
group 2.57%
bidder 2.03%
observer 1.82%
user 1.60%
每页显示:    共 46