1.   Each one recognises sectional interests within the profession but has little or no regard to the public at large or the potential client.

2.   It certainly relit an old flame of interest within me, and sent me off in two different directions at once.

3.   Market systems that allow individuals to pursue their own interests within a system of property rights, contracts, and Market prices.

4.   Most individuals rely on political groups to represent their interests within the political system.

5.   Whose interests within the state are of paramount importance?

6.   Geomorphological and Quaternary studies of the glacial history of the Grampian Highlands have always been major research interests within Scottish universities.

7.   The British pattern of development has limited the extent of corporate interests within the state, certainly when compared with Spain.

8.   Thus the clientelistic interplay of political interests within the Spanish state under Franco converted state enterprises into part of the political patronage system.

9.   Any work of art worth looking at provokes conflicting interests within the individual viewer.

10.   Another technique involves temporarily swapping ownership interests within partnerships to take advantage of accounting rules on deferring income.

n. + within >>共 1410
place 1.36%
division 1.34%
group 0.80%
debate 0.76%
faction 0.66%
position 0.65%
election 0.64%
area 0.62%
tension 0.60%
change 0.57%
interest 0.18%
interest + p. >>共 93
of 41.35%
to 11.68%
from 9.55%
on 8.31%
for 3.72%
among 3.55%
by 2.95%
at 2.24%
as 1.91%
with 1.78%
within 0.56%
每页显示:    共 39