1.   Bagambiki is accused of ordering Tutsis to seek refuge in the town stadium and then bringing in interahamwe militia to kill them.

2.   Nteziryayo is also alleged to have supervised the training of the so-called interahamwe militia, distributed weapons and publicly called for the killing of all Tutsis.

3.   The Zairian army welcomed the interahamwe militia and former Rwandan soldiers and joined with them late last year in attempting to expel ethnic Tutsis living in eastern Zaire.

4.   There have been reports that Rwandan interahamwe militia have participated in raids carried out by Burundian Hutu rebels.

n. + militia >>共 69
proxy 12.54%
clan 8.81%
government 7.80%
rebel 7.80%
student 7.80%
right-wing 6.44%
loyalist 4.41%
anti-taliban 4.41%
opposition 4.07%
citizen 3.39%
interahamwe 1.36%
interahamwe + n. >>共 4
militia 57.14%
attack 14.29%
member 14.29%
milita 14.29%
每页显示:    共 4