1.   There shall be no intentional physical contact between teams.

2.   Although NASCAR has a history of infamous bump-and-run incidents, most racers prefer to avoid intentional contact.

3.   Checking and other intentional contact are not allowed.

4.   Intentional contact with an official carries an automatic three-game suspension.

a. + contact >>共 698
direct 7.67%
close 6.58%
official 3.21%
first 3.13%
physical 3.10%
regular 2.98%
personal 2.91%
diplomatic 2.78%
sexual 2.65%
high-level 2.35%
intentional 0.07%
intentional + n. >>共 162
walk 34.55%
foul 6.48%
infliction 6.31%
discrimination 3.99%
murder 3.49%
grounding 2.99%
act 1.83%
wrongdoing 1.83%
pass 1.33%
effort 1.00%
contact 0.66%
每页显示:    共 4