1.   Eventually, after an intensive Israeli bombardment of Beirut, the PLO left.

2.   In the State Department briefing, Burns said the Bosnian Serbs may face continued intensive NATO bombardment even after peace talks are convened.

3.   Northern alliance troops have encircled the city, and U.S. warplanes have been conducting intensive bombardment of Taliban front-line positions.

4.   The Clinton administration threatened the Bosnian Serbs on Tuesday with continued intensive NATO bombardment even after peace talks are convened Friday.

5.   The Clinton administration threatened the Bosnian Serbs Tuesday with a continuation of intensive NATO bombardment even after peace talks are convened.

6.   Yugoslavia protested Sunday that the intensive bombardment is obstructing a partial withdrawal of its troops from Kosovo.

7.   Yugoslavia protested that the intensive bombardment is obstructing a partial withdrawal of its troops from Kosovo.

8.   For weeks the Russian government has mounted a military and political campaign backed with a threat of intensive bombardments to force villages to sign a peace agreement.

9.   He added that intensive Russian bombardments resumed for three hours Tuesday morning.

10.   Bosnian Serb forces Wednesday carried out intensive bombardments of Bihac, a Moslem pocket in northwest Bosnia-Hercegovina, UN Protection Force spokesman Major Rob Annink said here.

a. + bombardment >>共 144
aerial 13.65%
heavy 11.02%
israeli 9.32%
russian 7.87%
intense 5.25%
constant 3.94%
massive 3.02%
retaliatory 2.49%
naval 2.36%
intensive 1.84%
intensive + n. >>共 416
negotiation 5.77%
talk 4.00%
effort 3.79%
search 3.79%
training 3.52%
treatment 3.04%
campaign 2.56%
course 2.14%
investigation 2.03%
study 1.98%
bombardment 0.75%
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