1.   It is recommended that names of intended recipients are shown on a separate heading on the agenda for the meeting concerned.

2.   But buying at a discount is still buying, so make sure the intended recipient really needs or wants that gift.

3.   But if commercial telephone solicitors had raised those funds that were contributed directly, intended recipients could have wound up with half, or much less.

4.   But in times of tightened budgets and careful spending, how can a person be certain that money meant for charities will actually reach the intended recipients?

5.   Compounding her problem, the intended recipients of the gifts could not enter the United States because they did not have visas.

6.   Each time, the gifts he purchased were sent to him instead of the intended recipient.

7.   Encryption, or cryptology, is the science of designing code techniques so people can make information unreadable to all but the intended recipients.

8.   Encryption uses a mathematical key to scramble and unscramble digital messages so they can be read only by their intended recipients and not by human or electronic snoopers.

9.   Encryption is a chip technology that disguises a voice, fax or electronic mail into gibberish, which can only be read once it reaches the intended recipient.

10.   For a fee, Hallmark will mail cards to intended recipients, personalized salutations included.

a. + recipient >>共 263
largest 7.19%
first 6.26%
intended 5.98%
previous 5.42%
past 5.14%
the 2.80%
major 2.80%
third 2.61%
former 2.52%
top 2.52%
intended + n. >>共 270
target 20.92%
victim 7.61%
recipient 6.41%
destination 5.31%
effect 4.60%
purpose 4.20%
audience 4.10%
receiver 3.10%
use 2.20%
beneficiary 1.90%
每页显示:    共 64