1.   Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet?

2.   As with many intelligent species, crows have a fairly long lifespan and a long time in childhood to learn.

3.   Gorillas are an intelligent species.

4.   Humans may be the most intelligent species, but ants, along with termites and honeybees, are the ultimate social animals.

5.   In other words, humans could eventually be overtaken by another intelligent species.

6.   Is that any way for an intelligent species to conduct itself?

7.   Our Galaxy could have very few intelligent species.

a. + species >>共 618
endangered 27.52%
new 5.82%
different 4.65%
native 3.04%
rare 2.96%
protected 2.54%
threatened 2.33%
animal 2.09%
the 1.93%
human 1.56%
intelligent 0.19%
intelligent + n. >>共 355
life 7.50%
people 6.94%
man 4.37%
woman 2.80%
question 2.35%
decision 2.35%
design 2.13%
agent 1.79%
person 1.46%
choice 1.34%
species 0.78%
每页显示:    共 7