1.   Are there intelligent beings on other planets?

2.   He took me to the farmer, who soon realized that I was not an animal, but an intelligent being.

3.   Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

4.   Maybe some other race of intelligent beings elsewhere in the galaxy will achieve a better balance between responsibility and aggression.

5.   NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.

6.   Astronomers around the world are aiding the project by assembling catalogues of nearby stars most likely to be inhabited by intelligent beings.

7.   Early observers thought they saw channels laid out in such precision that they could have been dug only by intelligent beings.

8.   He believes that the organisms can become intelligent beings.

9.   If you want to have an intelligent being, you need to create that circle.

10.   Intelligent beings beyond Earth, the scientists reason, surely would have discovered radio, just as humans once did.

a. + being >>共 397
well 4.47%
living 3.35%
first 2.48%
whole 2.23%
alien 1.74%
supernatural 1.61%
very 1.61%
divine 1.49%
intelligent 1.49%
latter 1.36%
intelligent + n. >>共 355
life 7.50%
people 6.94%
man 4.37%
woman 2.80%
question 2.35%
decision 2.35%
design 2.13%
agent 1.79%
person 1.46%
choice 1.34%
being 1.34%
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