1.   Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., the ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee.

2.   But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box.

3.   The recommendations now move to the congressional intelligence committees, which are expected to introduce legislation incorporating the recommendations.

4.   However, also in late June, the Senate intelligence committee voted to reduce drastically the covert aid programme to these two non-communist groups.

5.   Two other key Senate committees subsequently aligned themselves with the intelligence committee, thereby creating a powerful lobby to push for a change in policy.

6.   Although Specter will remain an influential voice in intelligence policy in the new Congress, he is obliged by rule to relinquish his seat on the intelligence committee.

7.   An exception was Senator Richard Lugar, the moderate Republican from Indiana who is a member of the intelligence committee.

8.   An independent review by the Senate or House intelligence committee may be needed as well.

9.   And he said the long-planned investigation by the House and Senate intelligence committees was no longer sufficient.

10.   As recently as January, senior U.S. officials had no hard evidence linking the Sudan to chemical weapons, according to testimony before the Senate intelligence committee.

n. + committee >>共 822
conference 10.34%
ethic 6.04%
selection 4.06%
sanction 3.77%
search 3.43%
bid 2.51%
budget 2.01%
government 1.93%
campaign 1.86%
management 1.70%
intelligence 1.57%
intelligence + n. >>共 394
official 12.35%
agency 11.30%
service 11.20%
officer 8.72%
report 6.70%
agent 6.34%
information 3.40%
chief 3.28%
source 3.24%
community 1.94%
committee 1.57%
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