1.   But sources said Marshall has emerged as the favorite because Cellucci feels she has the intellectual heft needed for the top post.

2.   Commentators pointed to the intellectual heft Danforth would have brought to the ticket.

3.   For true intellectual heft, however, perhaps few spots can rival the Brecht Forum, where Gould spoke on Tuesday night.

4.   He is creating a Center for Conservative Reform to add some intellectual heft to it.

5.   Instead, they go for maximum intellectual heft, serving up Pulitzer Prize winner Art Spiegelman.

6.   Is it possible for a computer game to have the intellectual heft and emotional impact of a good book while remaining as captivating as a well-paced film?

7.   Kombora is rather risque, and not much can be said for the intellectual heft of Mama Huruma or Chachandu or Kula Vitu.

8.   Little did they know the intellectual heft they had on their hands.

9.   The goal was to give him the intellectual heft to counter those, notably Eleanor Roosevelt, who considered him far too shallow for the presidency.

10.   The new ingredient is feminism, which has added intellectual heft and political respectability to affairs, provided they are carried on by women.

a. + heft >>共 70
intellectual 14.17%
dramatic 5.00%
political 5.00%
vocal 5.00%
emotional 4.17%
financial 3.33%
unexpected 2.50%
added 1.67%
economic 1.67%
marketing 1.67%
intellectual + n. >>共 753
property 38.28%
life 2.01%
curiosity 1.39%
challenge 1.16%
development 1.12%
capital 1.02%
ability 0.92%
circle 0.92%
pursuit 0.92%
stimulation 0.79%
heft 0.56%
每页显示:    共 17