1.   Affect is responsible for the activation of intellectual activity and for the selection of which objects or events are acted on.

2.   First, at its core is the idea that critical thinking is a particular kind of intellectual activity in its own right.

3.   It determines what contents intellectual activity focuses on.

4.   It refers to observable behaviors-sensorimotor and conceptual-that reflect intellectual activity.

5.   Tests show that many intellectual activities are highly correlated.

6.   The level of intellectual activity there.

7.   This intellectual activity was partly no doubt prompted by the blatant individualism of the New Right.

8.   Educated men of this period were not merely proud of their sciences, but prepared to subordinate all other forms of intellectual activity to them.

9.   Although reading mysteries is not usually considered an intellectual activity, a devoted reader like me does actually pick up a lot of miscellaneous knowledge.

10.   Circumcision connects a Jewish convert to God and a people in a way that no intellectual activity can ever hope to manage.

a. + activity >>共 1049
economic 6.43%
political 4.94%
terrorist 3.63%
criminal 3.37%
illegal 2.67%
military 2.53%
manufacturing 1.87%
physical 1.85%
sexual 1.71%
volcanic 1.44%
intellectual 0.09%
intellectual + n. >>共 753
property 38.28%
life 2.01%
curiosity 1.39%
challenge 1.16%
development 1.12%
capital 1.02%
ability 0.92%
circle 0.92%
pursuit 0.92%
stimulation 0.79%
activity 0.53%
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