1.   Hutu insurgents are fighting in the northwest, and Rwandan troops have been accused of killing civilians in reprisals for their raids.

2.   Peacekeepers sought to prevent ethnic Albanian guerrillas from using Kosovo as a staging ground to launch attacks in Macedonia, where the insurgents are fighting for more rights.

3.   Police identified the man as only Nagatu, and said he came from the neighboring Indian state of Nagaland, where insurgents have been fighting soldiers for several decades.

4.   A land mine blew up two patrol jeeps of a crack antiterrorist outfit Tuesday in Kashmir, where Muslim insurgents are fighting a separatist war.

5.   A Macedonian army reservist has been shot to death in the area where ethnic Albanian insurgents fought government troops last year, the Interior Ministry said Friday.

6.   He said his aim was to draw attention to conditions in his Algerian homeland, where Islamic insurgents are fighting the government.

7.   Insurgents fought their way into the town over the weekend, brushing aside a platoon of police and soldiers.

8.   Islamic insurgents have been fighting security forces for five years.

9.   Islamic insurgents have been fighting security forces in a guerrilla-style war for five years.

10.   Nagaland, where tribal insurgents are fighting for an independent homeland, is adjacent to these states.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
insurgent 0.37%
insurgent + v. >>共 200
be 8.73%
fight 3.29%
say 2.97%
take 2.80%
attack 2.80%
begin 2.64%
kill 2.64%
have 2.47%
want 2.31%
try 1.98%
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