1.   An interest expense credit and insurance proceeds from a fire last year at an Indiana mill offset a charge for environmental cleanup costs.

2.   And he bought the apartment building six years ago with the insurance proceeds from a house fire, the cause of which was never determined.

3.   Dow Corning has enough cash flow and insurance proceeds to fund the reorganization plan itself, Jackson said.

4.   He has sued Wal-Mart on behalf of Texas families seeking to collect the insurance proceeds that went to the big retailer.

5.   It depends what people decide to do with the insurance proceeds, once they get them.

6.   Of course, the economy will be helped as insurance proceeds and federal aid begin to pour in, and physical reconstruction begins.

7.   One person who works with Silverstein said many people were under the mistaken notion that the insurance proceeds were a windfall.

8.   Rather than pocketing the insurance proceeds, Schwab had the house rebuilt, and the widow lived in it until her death.

9.   Soon after, the indictment says, Robert Golinello tried to collect insurance proceeds by claiming the fire was accidental.

10.   The ruling ensures that unless there is a settlement, the multibillion-dollar battle over the insurance proceeds will go to trial.

a. + proceeds >>共 89
net 20.35%
remaining 7.79%
insurance 5.19%
sales 4.33%
case 3.46%
total 3.03%
criminal 2.60%
entire 2.16%
additional 2.16%
game 2.16%
insurance + n. >>共 318
company 35.89%
industry 5.70%
coverage 3.07%
premium 3.05%
agent 2.51%
business 2.26%
plan 1.99%
market 1.83%
claim 1.75%
rate 1.48%
proceeds 0.10%
每页显示:    共 12