1.   MiniMed already markets an external insulin infusion pump that provides a steady flow of insulin into the bloodstream over the course of the day.

2.   MiniMed specializes in diabetes-control devices, including an insulin infusion pump that eliminates the need for repeated daily injections of the glucose-regulating drug.

3.   MiniMed, based in suburban Sylmar, specializes in diabetes-control devices, including a popular insulin infusion pump that eliminates the need for repeated daily injections.

4.   MiniMed specializes in diabetes-control devices, including a popular insulin infusion pump that eliminates the need for repeated daily injections of the glucose-regulating drug.

n. + pump >>共 172
water 16.65%
gas 14.87%
fuel 9.66%
gasoline 6.22%
hand 2.89%
sump 2.89%
petrol 2.89%
fist 2.66%
bilge 2.22%
infusion 2.00%
insulin 0.44%
insulin + n. >>共 65
shot 16.22%
injection 15.88%
resistance 13.51%
level 10.14%
production 3.04%
receptor 3.04%
dose 2.70%
release 2.03%
gene 2.03%
product 2.03%
pump 1.35%
每页显示:    共 4