1.   Certainly, insufficient attention is often paid to concepts of choice, self-expression and self-help.

2.   However, most of these methods paid insufficient attention to the highly complex nature of landscape values, while overemphasizing scenic attractiveness.

3.   Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.

4.   The failing of the more usual critique lies in its insufficient attention to empirical practice.

5.   The trouble with our system is that we overdo the disqualification and pay insufficient attention to requalification.

6.   The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention.

7.   There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry.

8.   At the same time, many of the participants acknowledged that there had been insufficient attention to security in some parts of the industry.

9.   Few analysts would admit they pay insufficient attention to the numbers or believe everything their company contacts tell them, of course.

10.   He underwent skeptical questioning from a board member who thought the academy was paying insufficient attention to students who were not college-bound.

a. + attention >>共 692
medical 7.33%
national 7.18%
close 6.08%
public 5.74%
international 5.58%
special 5.50%
particular 3.22%
the 2.37%
scant 1.95%
full 1.71%
insufficient 0.26%
insufficient + n. >>共 334
evidence 33.44%
fund 3.02%
time 2.32%
information 2.24%
supply 1.55%
attention 1.55%
support 1.16%
ground 1.16%
proof 1.16%
datum 1.08%
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