1.   Although Simpson issued specific installation instructions with each set of seat belts, many drivers, including Earnhardt, modified the mounting.

2.   Be sure to follow the installation instructions that come with the memory chips, particularly the safety tips.

3.   Each comes with paste and detailed installation instructions.

4.   In most cases, the hard disk will come with excellent installation instructions.

5.   Installation instructions for most hardware and software currently on the shelves are confusingly keyed to earlier versions of Windows and DOS.

6.   Installation instructions and screws for your new fixture should be included in the package in which they came.

7.   Installation instructions are limited to two scant pages inside the jewel-box CD cover.

8.   Read the installation instructions.

9.   Round up the manuals for your hardware, particularly the installation instructions.

10.   So be especially careful to follow installation instructions and make a note of any error messages you get.

n. + instruction >>共 241
jury 10.43%
classroom 6.46%
package 4.64%
language 4.47%
safety 4.14%
installation 2.65%
government 1.99%
flight 1.66%
police 1.66%
art 1.49%
installation + n. >>共 102
art 9.47%
process 6.41%
cost 6.41%
artist 5.29%
program 5.29%
work 4.46%
instruction 4.46%
piece 3.34%
ceremony 3.06%
disk 3.06%
每页显示:    共 16