1.   A. It is generally recommended that a ridge vent be installed with soffit vents in order to boost the ventilation.

2.   I plan to install soffit vents.

3.   If the dryer is in a small utility room, it is a good idea to install a vent in the door to allow fresh air into the room.

4.   If the problem is condensation, it can often be solved by installing miniature vents in the siding.

5.   If you feel uneasy about this, you can have vents installed.

6.   Needless to say, real vents were installed.

7.   Q. I had a ridge vent installed.

8.   Q. We are having roof vents installed, and the installer suggested we also have vents in the soffits.

9.   Roof vents are installed through the roof.

10.   So, install vents on the side of the porch, just under the highest part of the roof.

v. + vent >>共 60
give 19.73%
close 9.87%
install 8.52%
have 7.62%
put 4.04%
cover 3.14%
open 2.69%
add 2.24%
block 2.24%
ceil 2.24%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
device 2.13%
program 2.04%
line 1.65%
detector 1.37%
government 1.35%
technology 1.18%
vent 0.44%
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