1.   Butler said the initial inspections would determine what follows.

2.   The most difficult issue for the North is allowing special inspections to determine how much nuclear material it may have diverted in the past.

3.   After the plane landed, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol said an inspection determined the bearings might have been the problem.

4.   An early-morning pitch inspection will determine whether the fixture can go ahead Sunday.

5.   The inspections will determine whether or not the projects received government approval and whether bidding for the project was fair and legal.

n. + determine >>共 918
investigator 5.75%
official 5.32%
doctor 3.98%
authority 2.99%
police 2.52%
test 2.50%
court 2.05%
investigation 2.00%
judge 1.98%
expert 1.46%
inspection 0.12%
inspection + v. >>共 139
be 24.20%
take 8.30%
reveal 6.92%
resume 5.26%
find 4.98%
show 4.43%
begin 3.73%
continue 2.90%
go 2.07%
last 2.07%
determine 0.69%
每页显示:    共 5