1.   Patients with naevi mainly on the back, a common pattern in men, were encouraged to ask a family member to inspect this area.

2.   As Ramos was inspecting the area, the dog bolted from the rear of the yard and knocked the officer to the ground, Glenn said.

3.   As the crime technicians were inspecting the area, a resident told them that she had just seen four more men in bullet proof vests, carrying rifles.

4.   Bailey questioned why Fuhrman did not tell his fellow detectives of his plans to inspect an area where Kaelin had heard a thumping and crashing noise.

5.   Beneath the stairs, inspect the areas where the treads and risers join with the stringers.

6.   Bosnian Serb policemen, who stood by as the human rights investigators inspected the area, turned surly once the inpsectors departed.

7.   A British KFOR officer and U.N. police officers inspect the area where the bus was bombed on the road.

8.   A Horn worker inspected the area Monday, before work, and did not see signs of the brick pulling away, the executive said.

9.   But when the motorman got out to inspect the area, he found nothing unusual, the police said.

10.   In recent months, electronics giants from Samsung to Toshiba have also been inspecting the area for new chip factory sites.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
inspect 0.39%
inspect + n. >>共 709
site 6.20%
damage 4.27%
facility 2.17%
area 1.97%
troop 1.81%
building 1.65%
car 1.61%
plane 1.61%
ship 1.49%
vehicle 1.37%
每页显示:    共 49