1.   Another inmate bit the forearm of a military guard trying to subdue him, and one new arrival threatened to kill his U.S. captors, reports have said.

2.   Last week, one inmate bit the forearm of a military police officer who tried to subdue him.

3.   On Wednesday, one inmate bit the forearm of a military police officer who tried to subdue him.

4.   One inmate bit a guard, and another being treated at the field hospital tried to hit a guard last week.

5.   One inmate bit a guard.

n. + bite >>共 259
bit 10.33%
dog 9.18%
mosquito 5.08%
bug 4.92%
reality 2.79%
snake 2.46%
fish 1.64%
shark 1.64%
finger 1.15%
least 1.15%
inmate 0.82%
inmate + v. >>共 505
be 10.67%
have 5.35%
say 4.09%
die 2.57%
take 2.37%
escape 2.13%
receive 1.59%
use 1.47%
demand 1.43%
get 1.31%
bite 0.20%
每页显示:    共 5