1.   In most of the incidents, well-organized gangs from coastal ethnic groups have razed businesses, homes and kiosks belonging to people from inland tribes.

2.   What made the jewelry precious to the inland tribes, though, were the raw materials that came from distant seashores, like coral or conch and cowrie shells.

3.   Although no official explanation has been offered, all the attacks have targeted inland tribes which traditionally oppose Moi and KANU.

4.   Most are from inland tribes which have traditionally opposed Moi and KANU.

5.   Most of those driven away were from inland tribes and were suspected of supporting opposition candidates.

a. + tribe >>共 347
indian 17.62%
american_indian 4.17%
local 3.87%
rival 3.38%
indigenous 2.70%
the 2.64%
nomadic 2.39%
native_american 2.33%
yemeni 1.78%
different 1.72%
inland 0.31%
inland + n. >>共 142
area 14.38%
water 5.53%
waterway 4.20%
region 4.20%
port 3.98%
section 3.76%
province 3.32%
lake 2.88%
city 2.43%
sea 1.77%
tribe 1.11%
每页显示:    共 5