1.   Before the procedure is done, doctors inject a dye into the blood vessels and take x-rays that reveal the exact location, size and configuration of the aneurysm.

2.   After the tumor has been removed, a blue dye is injected in the space left by the tumor.

3.   During the procedure, a radioactive blue dye is injected into the breast, close to the tumor site.

4.   Early Monday morning, Dr. Charlie Brown of Piedmont performed a heart catheterization, a diagnostic procedure in which dye is injected into the heart vessels.

5.   Furthermore, a machine injecting dye into her vein for tests malfunctioned and pumped the liquid straight into her arm, paralyzing muscles.

6.   Ketten injects methylene blue dye into the outer ear, a slit about a third of an inch wide and shaped like a sound hole on a violin.

7.   To verify the finding, the doctor can perform arteriography, injecting a dye and taking an X-ray photograph of the artery as the dye passes through it.

8.   To find out, he would need an angiogram, a test in which dye is injected directly into the heart so that it can be X-rayed.

9.   You know the one -- a lab technician injecting some dye into some goo.

10.   A dye is injected from the tube and allowed to infiltrate the target arteries.

v. + dye >>共 57
inject 15.83%
use 10.83%
involve 5.83%
make 5.83%
contain 3.33%
put 3.33%
shoot 2.50%
apply 1.67%
absorb 1.67%
ban 1.67%
inject + n. >>共 491
drug 5.35%
life 3.86%
money 3.79%
capital 3.59%
fund 3.04%
cell 2.10%
cash 1.83%
patient 1.83%
heroin 1.69%
note 1.62%
dye 1.29%
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