1.   Finally, the court rejected a law here that required initiative backers to file monthly reports identifying paid circulators and how much they are paid.

2.   Initiative backers must deliver far more than the minimum to have any chance at the ballot, state Elections Director Jessica Funkhouser said.

3.   Initiative backers are expected to begin collecting signatures next month.

4.   It also says initiative backers must file reports with the state identifying all paid petition circulators and the amounts they were paid.

5.   Pfaelzer signed the order Wednesday after attorneys for the city and initiative backers reached agreement on all but the majority vote issue regarding how the commission should be elected.

6.   Initiative backers dismiss the criticism.

n. + backer >>共 105
opposition 4.07%
initiative 3.49%
stadium 3.49%
project 2.91%
campaign 2.33%
industry 2.33%
replacement 2.33%
venture 2.33%
abortion 1.74%
abortion-rights 1.74%
initiative + n. >>共 69
process 12.69%
drive 7.46%
campaign 5.97%
petition 5.22%
backer 4.48%
supporter 4.48%
effort 3.73%
group 2.24%
leader 2.24%
move 1.49%
每页显示:    共 6