1.   The researches of Theodor Reik and myself have established that in the original hunting societies initiation ritual and religious rites in general fulfilled this function.

2.   What of our own, where initiation ritual does not exist?

3.   But many of those groups have ranks and initiation rituals.

4.   Elite warrior groups throughout history have endured various blood initiation rituals.

5.   Extended festival bills provide more than a standard concert, not just in minutes of music per dollar but as a secular initiation ritual.

6.   Is there an initiation ritual?

7.   Defeat is an initiation ritual for British politicians.

8.   The cult also used the hallucinogen LSD in initiation rituals.

9.   The cult also used the hallucinagin LSD in initiation rituals.

n. + ritual >>共 191
morning 5.49%
funeral 3.57%
courtship 3.30%
purification 3.30%
spring 2.75%
holiday 2.47%
initiation 2.47%
weekend 1.92%
death 1.65%
bedtime 1.65%
initiation + n. >>共 28
rite 33.85%
ceremony 20.77%
fee 9.23%
ritual 6.92%
school 4.62%
hut 2.31%
period 2.31%
process 2.31%
program 1.54%
raid 1.54%
每页显示:    共 9