1.   As the totals climb they have remained consistent with the initial projections made by the electoral institute.

2.   Based on their initial projections, do the Royals think Tucker failed?

3.   A spate of new models and a rise in consumer sentiment prompted the association to revise its forecasts from an initial projection of five percent, the report said.

4.   But the station, which carried the trial live from gavel to gavel, also will televise the appeal of a case whose interest far exceeded initial projections.

5.   He noted that sales trends for July were strong at outlets open for at least a year while newer restaurants continue to meet or exceed initial projections.

6.   He was not ready for training camp that year, despite initial projections from team doctors.

7.   Investors began upgrading their earnings expectations when Piltel said its subscriber growth in the first three months exceeded initial projections.

8.   The third quarter marked the fifth consecutive quarter that Oracle has announced that earnings would not meet its own initial projections.

9.   VNS began to lose confidence in its exit-polling, believing the precinct on which its initial projection was based was not an accurate sampling.

10.   Wall Street likes reliable numbers, and Coke has hurt its credibility in recent years by failing to meet its initial projections.

a. + projection >>共 284
surplus 7.13%
new 5.35%
sales 4.79%
economic 4.46%
optimistic 4.12%
financial 3.79%
earlier 3.01%
early 2.90%
current 2.34%
initial 2.23%
initial + n. >>共 921
report 7.36%
reaction 2.37%
investigation 2.07%
offering 2.00%
result 1.90%
test 1.73%
stage 1.39%
investment 1.10%
response 1.03%
claim 0.99%
projection 0.17%
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