1.   When these cells were incubated with serum from diabetic patients prostacyclin production was inhibited.

2.   Indomethacin, at doses that are known to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase, failed to inhibit chemiluminescence production by the inflamed colonic mucosa.

3.   Chemotherapy, which may also inhibit the production of white blood cells, can make a person more susceptible to infections that drain energy.

4.   DHT production is inhibited by the drug finasteride, popularly known by its trade name Propecia, originally developed to shrink enlarged prostate glands.

5.   Doctors know testosterone fuels prostate cancer growth, and currently prescribe the drugs Leupron or Zoladex to inhibit its production.

6.   For example, several drugs used to treat AIDS, like AZT, should, even in their current formulation, inhibit telomerase production.

7.   Finasteride works by inhibiting production of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, a potent form of the male hormone testosterone that contributes to male pattern baldness.

8.   If that checks out, he says, SAD may one day be treated with a pill to inhibit melatonin production.

9.   It is not simply that the existing studios are antiquated, but their small size inhibits the production of large-scale contemporary art.

10.   Lethal factor, the other anthrax toxin, also inhibits cytokine production, though through a different mechanism.

v. + production >>共 751
increase 7.72%
boost 5.04%
cut 4.76%
reduce 3.39%
halt 2.93%
shift 2.62%
begin 2.54%
stop 2.31%
resume 2.00%
expand 2.00%
inhibit 0.31%
inhibit + n. >>共 320
growth 10.09%
development 5.24%
enzyme 3.15%
ability 2.88%
production 2.62%
action 1.97%
formation 1.83%
investment 1.44%
activity 1.44%
absorption 1.18%
每页显示:    共 20