1.   Increased dietary calcium increased faecal phosphate because the formation of insoluble calcium phosphate inhibits the absorption of phosphate.

2.   Besides being ineffective against acne, high doses of zinc can inhibit the absorption of copper and cause other negative effects, so experts discourage supplements beyond the RDA.

3.   Both brands are made with plant derivatives that reduce cholesterol levels in humans by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract.

4.   Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients.

5.   Since the need for such medication is often lifelong, treatment for young people often begins with drugs to inhibit the absorption into the blood of bile acids.

6.   This is because many plant foods contain substances that inhibit the absorption of critical nutrients.

7.   Sitostanol inhibits the absorption of the health-threatening form of cholesterol into the bloodstream.

8.   Studies have shown that sitostanol inhibits the absorption of the health-threatening form of cholesterol into the bloodstream.

v. + absorption >>共 57
block 13.49%
increase 7.14%
inhibit 7.14%
reduce 7.14%
slow 4.76%
enhance 3.97%
impede 3.17%
assure 2.38%
boost 2.38%
hinder 2.38%
inhibit + n. >>共 320
growth 10.09%
development 5.24%
enzyme 3.15%
ability 2.88%
production 2.62%
action 1.97%
formation 1.83%
investment 1.44%
activity 1.44%
absorption 1.18%
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