1.   All four who died contracted the inhaled version of anthrax.

2.   FDA APPROVES LUNG PRODUCT The Food and Drug Administration approved an inhaled version of an antibiotic to help cystic fibrosis patients fight off deadly lung infections.

3.   Its inhaled version of insulin, which it is co-developing with drug firms Pfizer and Aventis, has prompted elevated antibody levels in some experimental patients.

4.   Nearly a dozen drug companies are developing inhaled versions of, and breathing devices for, drugs patients now take by needle.

5.   Still other drug companies are exploring ways of creating inhaled versions of other well-known injectable drugs.

6.   The companies finance development of inhaled versions and then market the product.

7.   They are looking at developing inhaled versions of drugs patients now take by needle.

8.   Spreading plague bacteria in the air could mimic the effects of the inhaled version of the disease.

a. + version >>共 826
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different 3.44%
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latest 2.83%
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original 1.40%
first 1.34%
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inhaled + n. >>共 42
anthrax 29.63%
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steroid 15.19%
insulin 4.07%
version 2.96%
drug 2.59%
corticosteroid 2.22%
powder 1.48%
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