1.   Because inhalational anthrax is almost always fatal, Stevens was expected to die, his doctor, Larry Bush, said Friday.

2.   Alarmingly, a hospital in Maryland failed to correctly diagnose inhalational anthrax in a postal worker who returned a day later and died within hours.

3.   Early symptoms of inhalational anthrax resemble the flu.

4.   For instance, it is the height of flu season in Utah, and without lab tests early symptoms of flu are difficult to distinguish from inhalational anthrax.

5.   Flu symptoms, like fever, headache, fatigue and sore throat, are similar to the first stage of inhalational anthrax.

6.   Her death certificate listed the cause of death as inhalational anthrax, and the manner of death as homicide.

7.   Her X-ray showed a widened mediastinum, the area in the middle of the chest, a classic sign of inhalational anthrax.

8.   Inhalational anthrax is the form that a biological weapon would most likely take, according to experts.

9.   Inhalational anthrax results from deposition of the bacterial spores in the lungs and causes fever, shock and eventually death. . . .

10.   Many officials have said the detour by the Leahy letter could explain why a State Department mail handler developed inhalational anthrax.

a. + anthrax >>共 211
inhaled 10.94%
deadly 5.47%
possible 5.06%
cutaneous 4.92%
suspected 3.56%
new 3.28%
recent 2.87%
pulmonary 2.87%
inhalational 2.87%
contracting 1.92%
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