1.   Battenberg said the partial consolidation of Delphi Chassis and Delphi Energy is designed to reduce infrastructure costs.

2.   But Gov. George E. Pataki refused, saying his administration would help with infrastructure costs, but would not provide money for stadiums that benefit privately owned teams.

3.   Chicago Comptroller Phoebe Selden said the rules would require the city to install a new computer system to track infrastructure costs.

4.   Currently, developers pay for some infrastructure costs.

5.   Guardian-at-the-gate Thomas Finneran is sure to bust their chops when state-subsidized infrastructure costs are negotiated.

6.   State Sen. Quentin Kopp, I-San Francisco, a co-chair of the ballpark campaign, said the issue of infrastructure costs was a red herring.

7.   The airlines oppose a new airport, saying it will increase their infrastructure costs.

8.   The full Phoenix council still must decide which of two city sites it will endorse and how to pay for infrastructure costs.

9.   The state would also have to donate the money to pay salaries, benefits and infrastructure maintenance costs, according to terms of the letter.

10.   The Tempe-Mesa site was discarded in part because of the high infrastructure costs.

n. + cost >>共 875
labor 11.41%
production 8.91%
energy 3.75%
fuel 2.97%
health 2.22%
drug 2.09%
transportation 1.94%
development 1.92%
construction 1.79%
maintenance 1.66%
infrastructure 0.19%
infrastructure + n. >>共 184
project 38.71%
development 7.92%
improvement 4.22%
company 3.48%
investment 3.18%
problem 2.37%
facility 1.85%
minister 1.78%
sector 1.70%
work 1.63%
cost 1.18%
每页显示:    共 16