1.   The demographic information shows that the population increased but the average income went down.

2.   The information should show trends over time.

3.   Available information shows no on-going risk to children given RotaShield in the past, Dr. Koplan and the company said.

4.   A government official becomes aware that secret information shows corruption and criminality in a federal agency.

5.   Canadian Customs authorities said they are unsure what border information will show when they do get the plate number.

6.   He further noted that the information released Wednesday showed far more contacts between the White House and Enron.

7.   If that information shows the labor market is continuing to tighten, that could indicate pressure on employers to raise wages, which could then spark more inflation.

8.   Like the information released earlier, the new information shows almost nothing new about Lennon, although there are more details from confidential informants.

9.   Sometimes, he said, the added information may show that a species is not so endangered after all.

10.   That information showed that all were running cash deficits.

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information 0.08%
information + v. >>共 440
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