1.   Could you tell me where the nearest tourist information office is?

2.   Local information offices, open at times when visitors are around, could supply this, along with information about local accommodation.

3.   The information office comprises information officer, andnames.

4.   Members are encouraged to request from the information office a prepared guide to all the facilities available.

5.   The information office has recently updated its directories of information, some of which are included in the HCIMA Reference Book.

6.   An important input into the work of the information office is the deliberations of the Technical Advisory Group.

7.   We would hope that in the year to come members give the information office an opportunity show the value and direct relevance of the work that it does.

8.   This tells us jauntily about smart green sweatshirts now on sale at Darlington tourist information office.

9.   An avid female fan phoned the sports information office, asking if the Frogs players would autograph her purple leg cast before the game.

10.   Another advantage to arriving by train is that tourist information offices are also usually nearby.

n. + office >>共 479
government 16.02%
liaison 4.05%
press 3.74%
head 3.11%
branch 2.88%
league 2.00%
law 1.87%
field 1.80%
district 1.78%
trade 1.73%
information 0.95%
information + n. >>共 678
technology 12.91%
service 5.79%
system 5.49%
age 3.74%
superhighway 3.66%
minister 3.59%
highway 2.40%
officer 2.29%
center 2.19%
company 1.98%
office 1.44%
每页显示:    共 97