1.   I hope this information helps you in preparing the draft response.

2.   Such information helps archaeologists to interpret excavated evidence more accurately.

3.   The information will help law enforcement authorities trace ownership of the weapon back to the original gun dealer.

4.   This information helped the police catch the three culprits after one of the biggest manhunts in the history of California.

5.   This information will help to identify factors which shape their perceptions of the language and cultures of the Arab world.

6.   I hope this information will help you with your purchase or project.

7.   The Butterfly Conservation Society says the information could help save some of the rarest examples from extinction.

8.   The information will help the campaign to ensure the survival of one of our most attractive wild animals.

9.   And that information may help explain how the gene works and provide ideas on blocking its cancer-causing effects.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
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group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
information 0.36%
information + v. >>共 440
be 54.48%
come 6.34%
help 1.97%
have 1.67%
become 1.67%
lead 1.06%
include 1.06%
indicate 0.87%
go 0.76%
provide 0.74%
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