1.   But the information will flow one way, making popular Internet features like e-mail impossible.

2.   Information flows in both directions at once - from lower to higher levels and from higher to lower levels.

3.   Information can flow freely between members, as a result of the personal contacts established within these groups.

4.   Although other vending machine-makers use Web technology to track inventory, only E-Station has an interface that allows information to flow between manufacturer and customer.

5.   As new information flows into it from the outside world, the brain automatically compares it with what it already knows.

6.   As the crisis took shape, information flowed unevenly within the FAA.

7.   A better information flow up, down and between co-workers helps workers understand the reasons why things are being done the way they are, the report said.

8.   After watching the information flow in various online travel forums and discussion groups for a couple of weeks, eventually a user will become comfortable posting questions and comments.

9.   But the telegraph, as well as the telephone that succeeded it, both worked like pipelines in which information flowed continuously like water.

n. + flow >>共 585
money 9.05%
water 7.56%
blood 3.99%
tear 3.67%
river 3.06%
oil 2.51%
traffic 2.41%
capital 1.90%
air 1.86%
power 1.62%
information 1.39%
information + v. >>共 440
be 54.48%
come 6.34%
help 1.97%
have 1.67%
become 1.67%
lead 1.06%
include 1.06%
indicate 0.87%
go 0.76%
provide 0.74%
flow 0.65%
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