1.   Just when did this revolution occur and in fact did information exist before its arrival in electronic form?

2.   Information only exists to the extent to which it is accessible.

3.   Enter Y if such information exists, otherwise enter N.

4.   Additional information exists -- repeat for more details.

5.   No information exists for the data requested at the present time.

6.   No further information exists for the data requested at the present time.

n. + exist >>共 1655
problem 4.39%
evidence 2.06%
possibility 1.59%
opportunity 1.28%
difference 1.17%
life 1.15%
condition 1.10%
technology 1.04%
system 0.84%
group 0.78%
information 0.45%
information + v. >>共 440
be 54.48%
come 6.34%
help 1.97%
have 1.67%
become 1.67%
lead 1.06%
include 1.06%
indicate 0.87%
go 0.76%
provide 0.74%
exist 0.61%
每页显示:    共 28