1.   Angiletta said the primary purpose of the web site was to keep the public informed about legislation to protect children from predators.

2.   Considerable efforts were then made to clean out the system but not to inform the public.

3.   For C-Span, books coverage is all part of an effort to keep the public informed about current events.

4.   It is intended that the results of the programme will inform the public about policy options.

5.   The farming industry needs to inform the public about all aspects of their industry and open these up to public discussion.

6.   Conversely, engineers should, where appropriate, inform the public about how the profession perceives risk and makes risk decisions.

7.   The report suggests that individual products could be labelled to inform the public about how much electricity the appliances consume.

8.   An overwhelming desire to injure the plaintiff rather than to inform the public would have to be proved.

v. + public >>共 491
educate 6.77%
protect 5.02%
inform 4.67%
mislead 3.23%
serve 2.30%
warn 2.06%
reassure 1.83%
reach 1.48%
keep 1.48%
take 1.48%
inform + n. >>共 480
police 6.28%
public 5.50%
authority 4.86%
government 2.89%
official 2.84%
family 2.75%
people 2.71%
customer 1.88%
member 1.60%
employee 1.51%
每页显示:    共 119