1.   He was convinced that a career lay in sport and reckoned the media influenced his perception of himself.

2.   However, it is important to recall the full list, in order to emphasize the factors that did not influence perceptions.

3.   Only their own personal prejudices remained to influence their perceptions in one direction or another.

4.   Previously acquired knowledge influences our perception of events in that it provides frames of references against which current information is judged.

5.   They may act via central pathways that influence the perception of pain.

6.   But Washington Democrats say results from the blanket primary will strongly influence public perception of the race, and therefore affect the caucus votes.

7.   Finally, my perception was also influenced by the fact that my computer is almost five years old.

8.   In some areas the service has even dispatched employees to the Dale Carnegie Institute for lessons on how to win good will and influence public perceptions.

9.   Still, opponents hope Kogan influences public perception in a way that attorneys and abolitionists have not.

10.   Did Barbie in any way influence my perception of what is beautiful?

v. + perception >>共 237
change 14.98%
reinforce 5.99%
alter 4.33%
create 3.88%
counter 2.55%
overcome 2.33%
have 2.33%
fight 2.00%
affect 2.00%
fuel 2.00%
influence 1.11%
influence + n. >>共 744
decision 7.70%
outcome 4.51%
policy 3.76%
election 2.22%
market 2.19%
price 1.85%
voter 1.44%
people 1.35%
behavior 1.28%
way 1.25%
perception 0.31%
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