1.   And it is true that there are narrow limits on the extent to which outsiders can influence that evolution.

2.   It need only prevent Microsoft from using its enormous power to inappropriately influence the evolution of the technologies of Internet, such as the World Wide Web.

3.   Researchers are interested not only in human evolution in space, but also how physical factors such as gravity and radiation influence our evolution on Earth.

4.   Winchester said his team theorized that the HLA somehow acted to influence the evolution of the virus in the body.

5.   With signature, however, we will be in a position to influence the evolution of the Court.

v. + evolution >>共 161
trace 6.55%
teach 5.10%
see 3.40%
understand 2.67%
study 2.43%
explain 2.43%
reflect 2.18%
de-emphasize 1.94%
describe 1.94%
represent 1.94%
influence 1.21%
influence + n. >>共 744
decision 7.70%
outcome 4.51%
policy 3.76%
election 2.22%
market 2.19%
price 1.85%
voter 1.44%
people 1.35%
behavior 1.28%
way 1.25%
evolution 0.16%
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