1.   As inflation wanes, the chance of an interest rate rise diminishes.

2.   Bond investors usually like weak economic news, because it generally means that inflation is waning.

3.   Bond investors like weak economic news because it generally means that inflation is waning.

4.   That led analysts to hope that inflation was waning and that the Federal Reserve would find it unnecessary to further tighten short-term interest rates.

n. + wane >>共 210
interest 9.11%
influence 6.07%
popularity 5.88%
demand 5.31%
enthusiasm 3.80%
support 3.42%
confidence 2.66%
concern 2.28%
optimism 2.09%
power 2.09%
inflation 0.76%
inflation + v. >>共 343
be 25.97%
remain 14.11%
accelerate 9.53%
erode 3.91%
rise 3.64%
slow 1.78%
pick_up 1.61%
fall 1.56%
stay 1.44%
continue 1.36%
wane 0.10%
每页显示:    共 4