1.   In doing so it creates a black Market, which radically inflates profits for producers and traffickers.

2.   Boards are routinely surprised to find that top managers were artificially inflating profits by devious accounting schemes, price fixing, or engaging in other illegal or unethical activities.

3.   But in recent weeks, creditors have begun questioning his role in deals at Enron that helped hide losses or inflate profits.

4.   But the profit was inflated because of a deferred tax provision, which the audit counted as a one-time benefit to Gazprom last year.

5.   By marking up goodwill and marking down real assets when the deals are completed, Tyco can inflate its profits, the short-sellers allege.

6.   Crony capitalists in emerging countries may inflate profits irresponsibly without raising eyebrows.

7.   In June, Spectrum agreed to settle related SEC allegations that the company inflated its profits and issued unregistered stock.

8.   It was also, investors later learned, engaged in a huge accounting fraud to inflate its profits.

9.   Like many other Korean companies this year, Kepco inflated its profit by changing its accounting method, avoiding an even steeper fall in its profits.

10.   Moreover, the reported debt does not include transactions that were kept off the books by the company to inflate its profits, Bienenstock said.

v. + profit >>共 638
make 9.97%
take 7.65%
boost 6.61%
turn 5.52%
hurt 4.83%
report 2.72%
increase 2.34%
generate 1.94%
reap 1.92%
earn 1.81%
inflate 0.29%
inflate + n. >>共 201
price 14.46%
figure 7.17%
cost 5.73%
balloon 5.62%
value 5.26%
number 4.54%
earnings 3.46%
profit 3.35%
revenue 2.15%
amount 1.31%
每页显示:    共 28