1.   The inflammatory infiltrate associated with the ulcers was mixed, consisting of neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cella.

2.   The lesion consists of loosely arranged fibrovascular connective tissue with a variable inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils.

3.   Leucocytes forming part of the inflammatory infiltrate of ulcerative colitis and at other sites of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract may produce smooth muscle relaxation via release of NO.

4.   In the remaining patients of the severity of the chronic inflammatory infiltrate and activity was reduced by one grade between biopsies in three patients.

5.   The changes occurring in this limited biopsy series, in particular the inflammatory infiltrate, were on a minor scale and of no consistent pattern.

6.   The cellular density of the inflammatory infiltrate in the mucosa may affect phospholipid composition, as has been reported for colon mucosa.

a. + infiltrate >>共 8
inflammatory 42.86%
cellular 14.29%
chronic 7.14%
intestinal 7.14%
lymphocytic 7.14%
monoclonal 7.14%
patchy 7.14%
variable 7.14%
inflammatory + n. >>共 140
bowel 22.68%
statement 7.40%
disease 5.51%
rhetoric 4.72%
remark 4.25%
response 4.09%
cell 3.15%
speech 2.99%
comment 2.36%
mediator 2.05%
infiltrate 0.94%
每页显示:    共 6