1.   The reservoir mucosa shows enhanced proliferative activity both in patients with pouchitis and with those who do not have this relapsing chronic inflammatory condition of the reservoir.

2.   Inflammatory conditions of the gut are associated with increased turnover and activation of intestinal macrophages, which represent a large fraction of the total macrophage pool of the body.

3.   Additional clinical trials are under way to determine if tenidap can also slow disease progression for patients with the inflammatory condition.

4.   But Weintraub is a patient, too, a man who says he suffered for years from an inflammatory condition that Western medicine could not cure.

5.   These molecules particularly build up in many inflammatory conditions and cause much of the destruction of brain cells that occurs after a stroke.

6.   The function of the cellular immune system affects both chronic inflammatory conditions as well as infectious diseases.

a. + condition >>共 680
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inflammatory + n. >>共 140
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