1.   But in recent months, it has been wracked by infighting among officials jostling for positions, with several of them threatening to resign.

2.   Infighting has wracked the federalist side as its leaders argue over whether to make a last-minute offer to Quebec of constitutional reform.

3.   Infighting has wracked the federalist side for several days as its leaders argue over whether to make a last-minute offer to Quebec of constitutional reform.

4.   The left-leaning Alliance has been wracked by infighting that has alienated supporters ahead of general elections due by November.

5.   Bhishma Narain Singh, a Congress veteran, said Sonia Gandhi could help unite the deeply-factionalised party, which has been wracked by infighting.

6.   Rao won both seats he contested with a comfortable majority, but faced demands from critics within the party wracked by infighting to quit as president of the Congress.

n. + wrack >>共 69
violence 21.38%
injury 5.66%
year 5.66%
unrest 4.40%
infighting 3.77%
war 3.14%
turmoil 3.14%
guilt 3.14%
strife 2.52%
defection 1.89%
infighting + v. >>共 76
be 14.11%
plague 6.13%
cause 3.68%
wrack 3.68%
continue 3.07%
beset 3.07%
paralyze 3.07%
stall 2.45%
weaken 2.45%
delay 1.84%
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