1.   Since elections last year ended without any party in majority, there has been a battle for leadership, and successive coalition governments weakened by infighting.

2.   Weakened by infighting, the PRD also suffered from contradiciting images.

3.   After losing the election, the National Advancement Party was weakened by infighting, and several congressmen quit the party.

4.   This year, the unions have threatened more such unrest, but they have been weakened by infighting.

n. + weaken >>共 563
dollar 8.48%
economy 6.32%
peso 5.10%
yen 4.51%
currency 3.77%
price 2.55%
storm 1.96%
demand 1.71%
market 1.42%
stock 1.22%
infighting 0.20%
infighting + v. >>共 76
be 14.11%
plague 6.13%
cause 3.68%
wrack 3.68%
continue 3.07%
beset 3.07%
paralyze 3.07%
stall 2.45%
weaken 2.45%
delay 1.84%
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