1.   The malaria group has facilities for culturing the parasite and for containment of infected mosquitoes, and the University is a WHO Collaborative Centre for research in malaria.

2.   Although mosquitoes are the only creatures known to transmit the virus, not one infected mosquito has been found yet this summer.

3.   As the infected mosquitoes spread, school officials in other towns followed the lead of Westerly officials and kept students indoors during recess.

4.   After finding infected mosquitoes, New York City sprayed.

5.   Brown surmised that Mutombo had been bitten by an infected mosquito while in Africa last month.

6.   Caged chickens are less likely to encounter infected mosquitoes than free-range birds.

7.   City officials did not detect infected mosquitoes last year in Central Park, but the surveillance then was not nearly as intense.

8.   Cohen said New York City would continue efforts to combat the virus by spraying pesticides in areas where large numbers of infected mosquitoes have been trapped.

9.   Did it enter by way of an infected traveler, by infected mosquitoes that hitched a ride on a plane or ship?

10.   During floods and heavy rains, these eggs may hatch infected mosquitoes.

a. + mosquito >>共 153
infected 14.79%
female 7.12%
adult 4.66%
malaria-carrying 4.66%
disease-carrying 3.84%
malarial 3.29%
malaria-bearing 2.74%
local 1.64%
dead 1.64%
away 1.64%
infected + n. >>共 329
animal 9.68%
people 7.48%
person 4.89%
bird 3.42%
cell 2.89%
cow 2.84%
mosquito 2.64%
area 2.64%
woman 2.59%
meat 2.54%
每页显示:    共 54