1.   A. suum may occasionally infect cattle, causing an acute, atypical, interstitial pneumonia, which may prove fatal.

2.   In Vermont, cattle would become infected by brucellosis, a disease that causes cows to abort their calves.

3.   Investigations showed that several dozen cattle were infected with a strain of E. coli identical to the strain found in a number of the sick children.

4.   The question of cross-species transmission is a huge worry in Europe, Gambetti said, where British cattle have been infected by mad cow disease.

5.   There are no knackers in this country and no greaves to infect cattle, Detweiler said.

6.   Also, Britain has to improve sanitary and herd-monitoring measures to prevent infecting cattle feed that causes mad cow disease.

7.   Also, Britain must improve sanitary and herd-monitoring measures to prevent infecting cattle feed that causes mad cow disease.

8.   Britain and Switzerland have reported the highest numbers of BSE infected cattle in Europe.

9.   British cattle apparently were infected with BSE when they ate feed supplemented with the ground-up carcases of sheep infected with the brain-wasting disease scrapie.

10.   But he said it boosts the theory humans can catch CJD by eating meat from infected cattle.

v. + cattle >>共 232
raise 9.19%
kill 5.42%
slaughter 3.65%
sell 3.18%
herd 3.06%
feed 2.71%
fatten 2.47%
graze 2.47%
keep 2.36%
infect 2.24%
infect + n. >>共 341
people 10.43%
human 6.98%
cell 4.25%
animal 3.45%
patient 3.37%
person 2.81%
computer 2.65%
child 2.25%
wound 2.00%
woman 1.76%
cattle 1.52%
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